>>> thank you!

first of all: a big warm thank you to my family and my friends, sponsors forever!!!

Loutou SPORT

the best place to rent, buy, repair, new or second hand: skis, bikes, snow, ice, summer, winter, you name it, they have it in the shop in guillestre, les hautes alpes, at the base of the stations!
>> seb: loutousport supporte mes caprices et mon don à user des lames de piolet à vitesse grand V, à casser ce que personne casse, supporte mes trips et mes rêves dans tous les domainde de la montagne, du ski, du velo...

>>> crispi
crispi, known for its artisanship in highest quality and at the same time comfortable footwear. it supplies perfect boots for mountaineering and hiking all over the world!
>> seb: i really believe to have terrible feet (everybody who has seen them will agree
) but with crispi shoes i've never had any problemsi.... really great... warm and precise shoes, but most of all comfortable and light.
>>> rywan
rywan, the name to remember for sport-socks: if you need them for jogging, tennis, cross, hiking, golf, skiing, biking or of course mountaineering, enjoy the dry and comfortable feeling of rywan socks.
>> seb: merci de repondre au caprice de mes pieds frilleux et useur de chaussettes


>>> primus

primus is a well-known company that develops and sells stoves, lanterns, and accessories for leisure and outdoor use

check out the sponsor document here in a while...