Information - BANGLADESH

don't miss this wonderfull country with wonderfull people

- Burunghamari- Domar- Rangpur- Bogra- Shahzadpur- Rajbari- ferry over the Gange- Faridpur- Jessore- Benapole (border with india)- kolkata
- the only negative poitn of the country = the traffic! there are not many private cars but the roads are narrow and packed with rickshaws, and in the middle of this trucks driving as fast as possible (when a truck horn it's doesn't mean like it india "take care i'm there" it mean "if you don't moove your ass as fast as i want you to do it, you will die" keep it in mind!) Worse traffic than india not from the quantity but for the quality!!!!

- got mine in Kathmandu, 33$ for 15 days, 2 photos, pick up next day, see KTH for more details

- 1 euro = 92 BDT taka
- changer at the border: 1 indian roupies =1.6 taka, extremely cheap country, i spent 40 taka in 10 days including the 30 takas for the departure taxes. the 10 other takas are for the ferry over the gange. appart of this i've always been invited for food as well as for accomodotion = it's amazing country with incredibly friendly people

bike shop:
- exept local bike shop for rickshaw better to expect nothing!

food & accomodation:
- always been invited by locals, I never stayed in cities

- APA Map "india north east", 1/1.500000 (bought it in KTH) = useless map, a lonely planet map would do the same job!

- i never went online and have never seen or looked for an internet cafe


of bangladesh here...