big shock arriving in bangkok (no picture) before
heading to cambodia along the thia cost. the last 5 pictures are
from cambodia!
cambodia and the cambodians, thanks to them for keeping me cycling |
end of cambodia before arriving in siem reap (ankor wat) which,
i swear, is not cambodia!! |
the last few kilometers in cambodia just before coming back to
thailand with passing 1000 hours of cycling since the 28th of july
(7 months), and then, arrived in laos, i had troubles with my camera
batteries. (so no photos for a long time)
like in tajikistan, the kids of the school in aspre sur buëch
(hautes alpes) collected money that they transferred to me to invest
for children in laos. 500 children of two different schools could
benefit from personal school material... |
...(2 bookspens and pencils, rulers, rubber, drawing
material and a fountain pen), or genera, l material (books for the
teachers, chalk, balls, posters,...) here a few photos of the distribution
of the material that i bought... |