seb's links
  amis / cyclistes / voyageurs
  one of the best weather-infos    

a website full of very useful info of a true
hard core traveller

  infos about tracks in the alps and other places     bodega del mundo... a french in asia with his bike .
  info / questions / answers about the whole world     cycletracks
  translations in nearly any language     on the road from switzerland to china by bike
  a few addresses of bikeshops in asia, photos and documentation about his
trips on his bike .
  really good info on different countries if you cycle through them
the site to dream of tibet by bike...

high resolution satellite images of the yecheng-western

running from paris to tokyo
  the tibet map institute
bigtrip through scandinavia, asia and oceania

    the site of the yak - cycle-guru!
  article in the newspaper "le dauphiné" in september 2005     brilliant site of a man and a bike
  article in "le dauphiné" 18.1.2006     photos of a swiss globe-trotter-cyclist
  article in the magazine "carnets d'aventures"     ots of links of cyclists touring around the world...
  article in the telegraph about seb, january 2007     a bycicle-trip from switzerland towards the east
  the pupils of the school of aspres sur buëch are following the extraordinary travels of seb
- l'extraordinaire voyage - how everything began...
- l'extraordinaire voyage continue - episode 2
- sébastien, our messenger of the heart
travelsites >>